Thursday, August 29, 2013


I'm sitting in our condo in Park City while my husband is sleeping, wondering how to describe the beginning of the rest of my life.

I married Stephen Bruce Rollins on August 24th, 2013 in the St. George Temple, and my life has been blessed ever since. Granted, that was five days ago. But my love for him has grown in those five days. He is taking such good care of me. He goes out of his way over and over to serve me, and we have so much fun together. I'm loving my honeymoon mostly because I get to spend all day every day with Stephen. He is my best friend, and I can't imagine how anyone would be any better than him for me. I could turn this post into an I-love-Stephen rant, but that's not my focus.

I want to record our journey as husband and wife, learning and growing as a family, and share it with the curious world. Family, friends, old neighbors, new neighbors, strangers,  people whose kids I use to babysit--plenty of you would be curious enough to read my blog from time to time. So I'll write this for you. And I'll write this for myself. I use to blog very often, but fell out of the habit. It seems appropriate to join the modern mom movement and make a family blog that will grow and change as I do.

So hello, Internet! I am a wife, college student, part-time custodian, and amateur writer. 

I am Jane Rollins, and this is the beginning of the rest of my life.