Friday, July 21, 2017

Two Kids, Two Years and Two Months

Connor is two months already. Well, two and a half. Paige is also almost two and a half, but in years. My kids are growing up fast, and this blog hasn't captured that in a while. For some reason, I've been busy and haven't written much. But both kids are sleeping and the house is relatively clean, which gives me peace to write for a bit.

Connor has been a huge blessing in our lives. He's a very typical newborn, which is both good and bad. Paige was abnormal in her sleep schedule and didn't nap well, but slept through the night like a champ by six weeks. Connor also doesn't nap great, but he also doesn't sleep through the night. Not even close. His naps are often only a half hour long unless he's being worn in a wrap, but then I have a baby strapped to me for hours.

There have been nights where he's up every other hour (and a few nights early on where he literally woke up ever hour between midnight and 7). Most nights, he'll do a five hour stretch or so, but that often starts around 8:00 p.m., which means I don't reap the benefits of that as far as my sleep is concerned. Yeah, I could try going to bed at 8:00 too, but honestly, I need my kid-free time each evening to unwind. On a good night, he wakes me two or three times to eat. But he's always been good at going right back to sleep afterwards, so that's a blessing.

Connor eats every two hours or so during the day, which is normal for a baby. It can get emotionally taxing to nurse him that often, so sometimes I pump and have Stephen give him a bottle, which he takes just fine. He is a quick eater, at least. The first few weeks, he would take about five minutes per nursing session. He's going longer now as his stomach has more room, but it's still only ten to fifteen minutes. Connor has plenty of wet diapers, so I know he's getting enough.

Now for the section that will embarrass Connor when he's older. He's had issues with being very gassy and colicky since he was born. His gas would also smell like rotten eggs, which signaled to me that something wasn't right (one day I'll look back and know he's been a stinky boy since birth). I tried several remedies but nothing seemed to help much. At his two month appointment, the doctor prescribed him baby Zantac for acid reflux, as well as instructed me to give him probiotics for digestive help and prune juice to help him have bowel movements more frequently than once a week like he was doing. Since we started that regiment, he's done a lot better. Hopefully, his body will mature enough soon that he won't need all the assistance. 

Connor loves being held, but is also pretty content to chill in his bouncy seat. He loves watching his sister be funny and silly, yet already flashes that uncomfortable and concerned look when Paige hugs him. He enjoys loud noise and being worn in either the baby carrier or wrap. He hates his car seat as well as shopping (he gets that aversion from his dad). Connor has without fail cried during the sacrament every week he's gone to church (which was at two weeks old--yes, I'm crazy); it doesn't matter if he was eating or sleeping only minutes before. Overall, he's a typical baby boy.

Paige has adjusted really well to her brother. At first, she really didn't want anything to do with him, but she warmed up after a few weeks and now gets really excited to see baby Connor. She wants to help me take care of him. When I'm nursing him, she'll want to come sit on my lap and help, too, which normally means she'll pretend to eat from his head. It's really amusing. She also wants to help me pump and grabs any nearby toy and puts it on her belly button. But she is actually helpful when she throws away his diapers, or brings me a burp cloth. (Which, P.S., why do I never have enough burp cloths?!)

Paige talks in full sentences now, and is very smart when it comes to colors, shapes, numbers, letters, etc. She'll point out hexagons when she sees them. What two-year-old can accurately identify hexagons? Paige's latest obsession is Daniel Tiger, and calling it an obsession is an understatement. She loves the little jingles they have, and I've used that to my advantage when the situation calls for it. I love how it teaches emotional and social skills, especially when her "book smart" is so well established already. 

I've also attempted potty training Paige. We've had a couple of good days, but I've have had to postpone my efforts twice now as she quickly looses interest and refuses to sit on her potty chair. Candy and stickers were helping, so I'll use those again. But being enticed by big girl underwear and reading potty books didn't keep up the hype. She asks for her diaper if I try to let her go without it to the point of crying for it. I don't want to traumatize her experience, so I'm trying to not push too hard. She's given me all the signs that she's ready, but, for whatever reason, is going to take her sweet time getting there. I want her to have it mastered by January so I can enroll her in a nearby preschool. We have time, so hopefully she'll get it soon.

Paige loves music and musical instruments. She's often "playing" the trumpet, piano, guitar, triangle, drums, etc. with toys she pretends are the instrument of choice. Today, I put some rubber bands over an empty tissue box and she's been thrilled to play her new guitar.

I take Paige to story time at the library often, and she loves it. She's also loved swimming and playing in water this summer. She'll pretend she's swimming a lot as well, which is basically just running, so I invite her to "swim" when I need her to walk fast. She loves helping me in the kitchen, looking at Connor, and playing with her Daddy. She's a spunky toddler!

The past two months have been an adjustment, but we've also had some fun times as a family. Our extended family from both Stephen's and my sides came for Connor's blessing. He looked absolutely adorable in his outfit, but cried during his actual blessing. My family stayed for Independence Day celebrations, where Paige participated in a neighborhood kids' parade. I've also started going to the gym and exercising more. After feeling miserable for nine months, and then taking two months to recover, I'm ready to feel healthy again. I'm already feeling the benefits from it, so hopefully this is just the start.

Don't be surprised if the blog posts are few and far between--it just means I'm focusing on being a mom in the moment. Though, I do want to have this record to look back on these fun times. So far, managing two kids has gone alright, but I know the journey is only beginning. But there's no one I'd rather do this with than my little family.